Tuesday, February 16, 2021



Why teach drawing to kids?

When you teach drawing to kids, you’re giving them a skill that pays big dividends in today’s world. Drawing is the foundation for many forms of art. But you certainly don’t need to be an “artist” or work in an art-related career to benefit from drawing.

Anyone can use drawing to explore an idea, solve a problem, give visual form to a mental picture, or illustrate a project or plan. Therefore, drawing is a communication skill that has value for everyone, so we need to be teaching drawing to kids.

But when teaching drawing (to kids or adults), there’s one thing that often surprises people.

This may surprise you

Students are surprised to learn that drawing has a lot less to do with their hand and everything to do with their eyesDrawing is more about seeing, noticing, looking carefully, and paying attention than it is about the marks they make on their paper.

When students are taught to look mindfully at something, studying its lines and shapes, light and dark areas, and relationship to the area around it, they may feel like they’re really “seeing” it for the first time. These are the observation skills that help us to best translate what we see in real life into a two-dimensional image on paper. We call this “seeing like an artist”.


Friday, February 5, 2021

Highlights from our week:

 February is all about Friendship and Kindness! 

Grade 1s and 2s have been working hard to memorize and recite the Kindness Poem.  They have also been illustrating with images of fruits and flowers to accompany their recital of the lyrics.  The poem and drawing tutorials have been uploaded into Google Classroom for you if you'd like to show your family or practice at home.  

The grade 3s and 4s are studying the lyrics to the song, "That's Just Life" and learning the dance moves.  I've uploaded the song and dance moves to Google Classroom for you. 

The Grade 5s and 6s are making "Friendship Soup".  They are practicing to project their voices with confidence and hearing drama soundbites such as "action" and "quiet on the set".   Here's a link that helps explain the concept of "Friendship Soup". 

The Kindergarten class has been learning the movements to "I Like Valentines" and creating art to accompany their snowflake and snowman songs.  

ALSO: Please see Google Classroom for resources that accompany our First Nations - Buffalo hide project.

Well wishes from Mrs. Riopel