Wednesday, March 17, 2021

Highlights from our week!


In Kindergarten, we continue with our puppets and finger play songs.  

Also, here are some of the songs we have been moving to and chanting the words. Kindergarten students have been working on showing High/Low with arm movements, using shaker instruments to play along, counting, and composing OSTINATOS (repeating patterns in music).

Grades 5/6 are creating beautiful and unique works of art.  The tradition behind the SANKOFA bird reminds us that it is alright to go back and pick up some piece of wisdom that you may have forgotten; we can learn from our past and bring that wisdom into our present-day lives.  

Grade 3/4's have been studying for our music exam by performing rhythms with pool noodle drums!  We sometimes get to finish the class with cardio desk drumming just for fun! 

Here are some of the concepts that will appear on the exam.  Students will be shown a slide and they will be expected to clap or tap each music symbol. Be sure to practice in Google Classroom.  cardio desk drumming:

Grade 1/2 are finishing up a unit on Peter and the Wolf. They are experiencing how using instruments can add depth to story characters and to express idea and emotion. For example, the bird is represented by the flute and the wolf by the French horn. If we have time, we'll watch an animation of the story, Peter and the Wolf.

Peter is represented by the String Family.  Ask you child about the EARTH HARP or OCTOBASS - The size of these string instruments will surprise you!

All grades seem to enjoy a lively game of POISON Rhythm. This resource is available at and is free! Go ahead and play tonight with your family!


Wednesday, March 3, 2021

Highlights from our Week:

Division 1:  

Kindergarten students are learning to listen and distinguish between beat and rhythm.  They are listening carefully to how many beats they hear in our songs.  They are learning to attach a beat to each segment based on what they hear.  Grades 1/2s are learning about the story Peter and the Wolf and how each character in the story can be represented by a different musical instrument. (Bird = Flute/High), Grandfather = Bassoon/Low).

Division 2: 

History of the guitar with MusicWorkshop.  We are assessing our knowledge with a fun quiz show after each segment.  

Highlights from our week!

Division 2 students who have finished the History of Guitar unit have been exploring on Chrome Music Lab - Song maker.  I've placed all these resources in your google classroom so please have a look there. 

Kindergarten students have been busy with percussion (desk drumming) and reading rhythms.  They are also making puppets to go along with our poems and chants. 

Kindergarten has been Desk Drumming!

The Grade 1 and 2 classes are continuing on with the musical story, "Peter and the Wolf".  Ask your child which instrument represents each animal in the story.  For example, the bird is played by the flute.  We are working on identifying pitch, tempo and musical vocabulary such as "Crescendo". 

Division 2 students have just finished the "History of Guitar" unit.  Grades 3/4 were assessed in class and grades 5/6 will be assessed on the Google Forms quiz.  Be sure to log into Google Classroom for all the extra resources.  Here are some pics from our lessons: 

Well wishes from Mrs. Riopel