Thank you to Ms. Sue for subbing in our school this week.
Grade 5/6:
-O Canada in sign language. We can't sing in the classroom but we can "sing" using body language.
-We worked on note naming, staff lessons, and the song: Mamma Don't Allow.
-Curriculum Connections: Reviewed how notes are name, beat and rhythm, tempo terms.
Grade 3/4:
-Reviewed how notes are name, beat and rhythm, tempo terms.
-O Canada in sign language. We can't sing in the classroom but we can "sing" using body language.
-Songs this week: Missus Tong, Nothing -
-Curriculum Connectoins: Echo chanting, ABA form, Contour (How melody can go fast/slow, high/low)
Grade 1/2:
-O Canada in sign language. We can't sing in the classroom but we can "sing" using body language.
- Songs this week: Little Red Wagon, Mountaintop Monster.
-Curriculum connections: adding actions to lyrics, creating own lyric to go with song/picture, High/Low and various voices, Tempo.
-Curriculum connections to Math and Art.
-I can count - I can move to the beat
-Songs we enjoyed this week: Listen as I Play the Beat, Count and Go, Join The Game
-Chant and actions to the poem: Open and Shut them.
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