Friday, October 2, 2020

Highlights from the week.


I can listen, clap, chant and follow along.

I can identify the colour BLUE

I can make my animal moves. 

We performed the "Freeze Dance" and the "action song",  read a musical story about violins, practiced different voices (high, low, loud, soft), did activities with the colour BLUE. 

Grade 1/2:

Worked on the song, "Monster Mountaintop" to explore timbre of voices, high/low.  Students can show high and low sounds and express using different voices such as my whisper voice, my yelling voice, my voice is like a mouse, my voice is like a bear.  Students also learned a poem with movements and voices.   This helps to develop audiation, or "inner hearing"

Grade 3/4:

Continued with our Body Language and PANTOMIMES, Gorilla story and connection to drawing, practiced the clap along song, "Bim Bum Biddy Biddy Bum".  Wow, they are getting so good at this! 

Grades 5/6:

Students performed Drama warmups and using body language to communicate, watched the Gorrilla story and connected it to a directed drawing lesson, began to learn O Canada in Sign Language.  We can't sing in our rooms yet due to COVID but we can "sing" with our body language.  Great work so far, everyone.  See Google Classroom for extra practice. 

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Well wishes from Mrs. Riopel